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Huntingtower Castle | Perth | Scotland | Reino Unido

Huntingtower Castle

Atracción | Perth | Scotland | Reino Unido

El Castillo de Huntingtower, situado cerca de Perth en Escocia, es un notable ejemplo de arquitectura de castillos escoceses con una rica y diversa historia. Originalmente conocido como "Place of Ruthven", sirvió como residencia para las influyentes familias Ruthven y posteriormente Murray durante tres siglos, desde el siglo XV hasta el XVIII.

Características arquitectónicas

Una de las características arquitectónicas más destacadas del Castillo de Huntingtower es la presencia de dos torres casi idénticas que están a menos de tres metros de distancia una de la otra. Esta disposición es única en la arquitectura de castillos escoceses y ha dado lugar a diversas especulaciones sobre su propósito original. Algunos historiadores sugieren que las dos torres fueron construidas para diferentes ramas familiares.

En el siglo XVII, las dos torres fueron conectadas por un edificio intermedio, dando lugar a la forma actual del castillo. En el interior del castillo, se han conservado pinturas murales notables, incluida una pintura en el techo de madera en el primer piso que se considera una de las más antiguas de su tipo en Escocia.

Eventos históricos

El Castillo de Huntingtower fue escenario de importantes eventos históricos. El más conocido es el llamado "Raid of Ruthven" en 1582, en el que el joven rey James VI fue secuestrado por miembros de la familia noble protestante Ruthven y retenido durante aproximadamente diez meses. Este evento tuvo importantes consecuencias políticas y finalmente llevó al derrocamiento de la familia Ruthven.

Uso y conservación

Tras la expropiación de los Ruthvens, el castillo pasó a manos de la Corona y luego fue transferido a la familia Murray de Tullibardine. A lo largo de los siglos, el castillo fue remodelado varias veces y adaptado a las necesidades de sus habitantes. Hoy en día, el Castillo de Huntingtower es administrado por Historic Environment Scotland y está abierto al público. Los visitantes pueden explorar los interiores bien conservados y aprender más sobre la historia tumultuosa del castillo.

El Castillo de Huntingtower ofrece una fascinante visión de la historia y la arquitectura escocesas y es un destino gratificante para aquellos interesados en los sitios históricos.
Huntingtower Castle Perth

Datos de contacto



PH1 3JL Perth

Vista de mapa


Domingo10:00 - 12:30
13:00 - 15:00
Lunes10:00 - 12:30
13:00 - 15:00
Martes10:00 - 12:30
13:00 - 15:00
Miércoles10:00 - 12:30
13:00 - 15:00
Jueves10:00 - 12:30
13:00 - 15:00
Viernes10:00 - 12:30
13:00 - 15:00
Sábado10:00 - 12:30
13:00 - 15:00


591 Reseñas

Frans Temmerman

Leuk middeleeuws kasteeltje. Leuk detail is dat een toenmalige eigenaar ( lord george Murray) na de slag van Culloden gevlucht is naar Europa. Uiteindelijk in Medemblik Noord holland woonde en overleed zijn graf is vrij te bezoeken.
Claire Dragon

Beautiful little castle with lots of character & the inside has been refurbished to be a rustic wedding venue. Friendly & knowledgeable staff on site. Small parking area. Well worth a visit
Steve Baguley

Worth a visit if you’re within 20 miles. There were musicians having a session which added to the atmosphere. More orientation boards would have been good, or an audio guide. But they were keen to sell the guide book.
Tímea Szulyák

Nice place, lovely castle.
Amber Mc

Lovely place!
Anthony Roske

This was only slotted into my coach tour plans within the week prior to visiting. I am VERY glad I visited. The story behind the place is most inviting. Check the location and see if other places nearby also interest you. The first floor level after climbing the exterior steps shows an enlarged Snakes 🐍 and Ladders 🪜 board, on which games can be played. I saw such a game when I went back inside to take a photo. Sadly it is not possible to get a photo of the board from above. That is a good way to encourage kids to go there so they may be more likely to go there when they are adults. Lovely idea. From deciding to go there, I thought "I had to get up onto the roof". I did and got some photos I liked, though not the one I had intended. Until getting there, I hadn't considered having to walk up or down any spiral staircase. You do have to do both if you want to see more than the first floor level.. It was awkward for me walking with a stick and carrying a few things in a plastic bag. The staircases are tight and there is a wide opening wherever you leave the staircase to see another floor level. These wide gaps mean you may be stretching to hold onto a handrail whilst making sure you are putting your feet in the right places. The steps did seem a bit steep. You will be asked to close all doors behind you and please be aware that the wire gate at the very top of the spiral staircase opens towards you as you are on the steps. There is a hook 🪝 visible close to the bottom of the door and a sliding bolt 🔩 about halfway up the door. I did this whilst carrying a walking stick and a few things in a plastic bag. I opened the door extremely carefully. At this point, if you are not very careful you could easily fall down the stairs. A visitor there said he went there often and I could see "why" but it wouldn't suit everyone. It is such a lovely, small castle.
Stewart Anderson

I grew up just down the road from the castle. I got married in the castle in 1993
Ed Hockaday

Excellent wee Scottish castle. Walk round the battlements. Friendly staff
Fiona S

Fascinating place, gorgeous painted ancient roof, close to Dobbies for a coffee!!
Fernanda Cardozo

This one was nice!!
Amanda Baker

Such an incredible building that’s still authentic!

Nice wee castle plenty of rooms to look at and nice views from top of both towers note car park very small i had to park my jaguar suv outside on road or I would have blocked the car park
karlene catchpole

Loved it
Andrea Styblo

Such a beautiful castle and very friendly staff!
So Am

Visite très intéressante.
Chris Sharpe

Interesting fortified house/castle, great trip round, showing how the buildings have been changed over it’s history
Raúl Wong

很酷 不过不是必来之地
Gabor Bata

Really tiny place, but it is worth the visit.
Beatriz Fernandez

Me ha sorprendido favorablemente. Castillo muy entretenido
Álvaro Osete Fernández

Un gran castillo. Hay un músico que crea un buen ambiente y entretenido.
David E

Castillo incluido en la Explorer Pass. Puedes incluso comprarla aquí mismo si no la tienes todavía. La visita al castillo es autónoma, puedes ir por donde quieras cerrando las puertas que vas abriendo. Tiene una pasarela en la azotea por donde puedes caminar junto al tejado del castillo.
Preston S

Great but short stop to visit. Has a great viewpoint on top and it isn't very busy either which is nice.
B0 M0A0K

A great historical experience, but parking is severely limited and let's the whole experience down. Site attendant was hugely knowledgeable about the castle and it's history.
Victor Sanchez Hezari

Small castle, visited with explorer pass.
Alan Murray

Great local landmark to explore via Historic Scotland.
Brigitte Verrier

Très beau château avec plafond remarquable de 1540 peintures médiévales bien conservées


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